Sarah Palin’s Speech at Indianola, Iowa

Here is the latest from Sarah Palin at the Tea Party Rally at Indianola Iowa. As usual, she gives a great speech that is both informative and entertaining. Palin is a natural communicator and as you may notice, she doesn’t need a bunch of teleprompters and speech writers to get her point across. And getting to the point is what this speech is all about.

She lays out some basic points about how we need to get rid of Obama’s cancerous legacy and restore the original American system of free markets, limited government, low taxes and less regulation. She speaks of how we can get the country going again.

She talks about the permanent political class and how they need to be removed from the levers of power. She talks about how the Obama-Fuhrer has a tendency to blame everyone else for the failures of his administration but somehow never admits that his policies are destroying the country. She takes a shot at Maxine Waters who told the Tea Party to go to hell. And she lets the media know that they don’t get to set the agenda, no matter how hard they try.

Because the future belongs to the regular people of the country who have risen up to take the country back from those who get rich by re-distributing our lives and money to their well connected friends. It’s time to put a stop to that. And we will.

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