President Zero

The GOP is now using a term for Obama that has been used by others for some time; President Zero. The New York Times reports the story. A fitting tribute given the face that zero net jobs were added in the most recent month for which we have employment data. But don’t worry, I’m sure that when the Obama-Fuhrer is enjoying his next round of golf, he will be feeling your pain.

“The American people don’t need speeches, they need jobs,” Michele Bachmann said during a visit to Iowa on Friday. “Mr. President – it’s time to stop digging our country further into debt.”

Mitt Romney, who was campaigning in Florida, issued a statement calling the jobs report “unacceptable.” He said the report is “further proof that President Obama has failed. President Obama oversaw an economy that created zero jobs last month and that is unacceptable. In order to change the direction of this country, we need to change presidents.”

Jon M. Huntsman Jr., who this week issued his own jobs plan built around tax reform, said in a statement that “In a country with 307 million people, zero job growth is unfathomable.”

Mr. Obama is scheduled to leave early Friday afternoon for Camp David. His White House economic advisers posted an analysis of the jobs report on the White House web site Friday morning.

Wake up America if you want to save your country. It is imperative that we kick the Dumb Bastard out of the White House before he brings down the entire economy. Vote in November like your life depends on it.

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