Sticker Shock

The Washington Post reports that many Americans are now experiencing the higher premiums, higher deductibles and limited choices of Obama-Fuhrer-Care. This comes as no surprise to those on the right who have been paying attention for the last several years, but for those of you who are entranced by the Kardashians or “Dancing with the Stars” it may be your first experience of Obama’s big government shiv making its way up your ass to your wallet.

Those on the hard left, the true believers, will be trying to spin the catastrophe to their liking by claiming that this only proves the need for single payer. Indeed, in the comments to the article linked above, we find lefties weirdly claiming that Obama-Fuhrer-Care is somehow a Republican plan and that it proves the failure of the free market system. Only in the delusional skull of a leftist could this big government failure be called a free market and require an even bigger big government failure to fix the mess.

The truth, of course, is that we do not have a free market economy in health care, or much of anything else really. What we have today is a form of soft fascism, in which the economy is managed by the “best and brightest,” who substitutes their judgment for yours, and their choices for yours. When the government tells you what kind of light bulb you can have, how big your toilet can be and what kind of health insurance you must buy, that is not a free market.

The term free market is a way of saying that you get to make your own choices about how you want to live, what you want to do and how you spend your wealth. It is a society of contracts and mutual cooperation. A society in which you interact with other people and businesses in such a way as to come to a voluntary agreement about both buying and selling. We trade the things that we create for the things that we need. We make choices that benefit others and us at the same time. If both sides in a trade benefit, then that interaction happens. If not, then it doesn’t.

But under Obama-Fuhrer-Care, you don’t get to decide these things. You are not smart enough to run your own life. You are just a peon. You are just a number on a spreadsheet. You need to be guided, nudged and shoved into doing what the smart set has decided. It’s not up to you. Your life is not your own. So sit down and shut up and Obama will decide what’s good for you whether you like it or not.

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