Obama’s Victim Mentality

Over on the Fox News website we have this article by psychologist Dr. Keith Ablow that suggests that a major factor in explaining the insane and destructive behavior of a tyrant like Obama may be found in his self-perception. Simply put, Obama sees himself as a victim due to the many events in his childhood that formed his character. He was abandoned multiple times; he was raised by people who hate America, and was told again and again that everyone else (i.e. normal people) was out to get him. His presidency is thus characterized by his desire to seek revenge on those who are, in his mind, responsible for all of the evil in his world. Tammy Bruce, who was on the left, often says on her show that the people on the left are damaged and disturbed, and she saw this firsthand when she was still a part of it. The left and the Democrats have changed only insofar as the more or less normal people have gone elsewhere, leaving the angriest, envious, and bitter and vengeful dregs to run things. These are the people that you see on the news calling the Tea Party names. So it should come as no surprise to see the kinds of things they are now doing to our country. Do not forget that in the depths of their souls they hate us, and all that we stand for, and they are working every day to destroy it.

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