Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died

Michelle Malkin’s latest column details the damage being done in the real world by the so-called Affordable Health Care Act, otherwise known as Obama-Care. The horror stories are piling up faster than dead Alewives on Oak Street Beach. In the past year, those of us who have been paying attention, have heard the stories about companies dropping their coverage for employees, including Walgreens, Trader Joe’s and many others. In other cases, even if your company will continue to have health insurance, you will be paying a lot more for it. Where I work, we got a letter from corporate communications that said just this. We will still have coverage, but don’t expect it to be the same price. No word on just how much more it will be, but we will soon find out. And many firms, like UPS and Kroger, are dropping coverage for families of employees. To have coverage in these cases, you have to actually be working for that firm. Wives and kids not so much.

Ted Cruz and others are speaking right now on the Senate floor to try to spread the word about what this disaster means for the American people. They know that at this point there is not much chance that the implementation of the law can be stopped. But many Americans who don’t follow the news regularly only know what they have been told by the administration and its trusted minions. Thus the real world effects of Obama-Fuhrer-Care are only now surfacing into their lives. This is coming as a shock to many people. If your company is dropping your health insurance, or if the cost is going through the roof, you may be trying to figure out why. Ted Cruz, conservatives and many people in alternative media are going to keep spreading the word so that everyone can understand just what is happening, and who is to blame for this train wreck.

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