Britain’s NHS Silences Whistle-Blowers

For those who still think that nationalized health care is a good idea, you may wish to have a look at this story from The London Telegraph in which we find that the people running the system over there have been bribing people to stay quiet about the horrendous examples of patient neglect and abuse. It is well to remember that the people who have brought us Obama-Care think that the European model is the way to go.

Something else to keep in mind, and this is a bit off topic, is who you get your information from. Long ago I abandoned the state controlled media. Like many others, I no longer watch NBC, CBS or ABC and so on. The reason is clear; you can not trust them to bring you the facts. Their job is to cover for Obama and the left; to make them look as good as possible and to cover up any problems with the narrative. Neither do they bring you the facts about conservatism, free markets, individual liberty, the Tea Party or anything else in a similar vein. They are not your friends. And so, you should not only be getting your information from alternative media, but you might also want to keep an eye on the British press. Unlike our media here in the US, they are not beholden to the Obama gang of thugs. And thus you will often get better coverage of important stories from the Brits than you do from our own Elite Media Monoculture.

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