Armed EPA Agents Raid Alaska Town

During the last few years of the Obama-Fuhrer’s administration one of the troubling things we have noticed is the increasing use of force by the government at all levels against ordinary citizens for simply doing the kinds of things that we all used to take for granted. When I was growing up, for instance, everyone would have thought it insane if the police were to descend on a little girl’s lemonade stand demanding to see her operating license. But that is the world that we now live in thanks to the fascist Obama regime and the kinds of people in government who think like he does, and the leftist voters who put them into positions of power.

Fox News reports in this story about a raid by the EPA in a small mining town in Alaska. In this story we learn that many government agencies now think nothing of intimidating ordinary citizens with guns and body armor to enforce all of the petty rules and regulations that the elites think need to be in place to keep the little people in line. And we also note the increasing tendency of these goons to think themselves beyond any accountability for their actions. Nor do they seem to have any inclination to explain to the rest of us why they think that they have the right to use these kinds of Gestapo tactics against regular citizens who are minding their own business.

The recent uproar over armed EPA agents descending on a tiny Alaska mining town is shedding light on the fact that 40 federal agencies – including nearly a dozen typically not associated with law enforcement — have armed divisions.

The agencies employ about 120,000 full-time officers authorized to carry guns and make arrests, according to a June 2012 Justice Department report.

Though most Americans know agents within the Drug Enforcement Agency and the Federal Bureau of Prisons carry guns, agencies such as the Library of Congress and Federal Reserve Board employing armed officers might come as a surprise.

The incident that sparked the renewed interest and concern occurred in late August when a team of armed federal and state officials descended on the tiny Alaska gold mining town of Chicken, Alaska.

The Environmental Protection Agency, whose armed agents in full body armor participated, acknowledged taking part in the Alaska Environmental Crimes Task Force investigation, which it said was conducted to look for possible violations of the Clean Water Act.

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