From an Egyptian in Alexandria

On Bret Baier’s blog on the Fox News site we get this letter from a regular citizen of Egypt that puts the events of the last year into a perspective that Americans who are low information voters can understand. If you are not paying attention to anything but “Dancing with the Stars” and the Kardashians, this article is for you. The author asks us to imagine that the events in Egypt had happened right here in the US. When put into this perspective, one finds that those events become very clear and one feels a great sympathy for the Egyptian people.

The left of course has been having a fit over the events there and complaining that the actions of the military to remove Morsi are not legitimate. This letter puts that argument in the dustbin where it belongs. And for the record let us not forget that it was Obama who destabilized the Middle East in the first place. He has no problem being on the side of the enemies of peace and justice. Those who hate us are his friends. Do not let him hypnotize you into thinking otherwise. Obama hates this country and anyone who stands on our side. He is not making a mistake; he means for the bad guys to win. Fortunately for us, the Egyptian people have seen through the lies.


A lot of my dear American friends sill ask me what on earth really happened in egypt, for their benefit, and anyone else on earth genuinely trying to make heads or tails of us “crazy Egyptians” ; here’s exactly what happened in egypt over the past 12 months, but expressed in ‘American” terms…

There are no exaggerations or lies, these events all took place:

On June 30th 2012, democratically elected Barack Obama wins the election with 51.7%, takes the oath, and is sworn in as president of the United States.

First five months of his term go relatively smoothly, where he makes almost no decisions (except for some dubious presidential pardons to a dozen convicted terrorists, including some convicted for their part in the assassination of a former US President).

Suddenly, on November 21st 2012, president Obama issues a presidential decree giving himself sweeping powers, to the extent that his future decrees become un-contestable in any court, in effect his decisions henceforth are akin to the word of God.

His laws a new Bible…

Nationwide protests erupt as a result of this decree and 1.5 million people organize a sit-in at the White House to peacefully request he rescind it.

Some of Obama’s democratic party supporters attack the peaceful sit-in outside the White House with guns & shoot 5 peaceful protesters dead

A few weeks later president Obama dissolves the US Supreme Court and labels them all “traitors to America”

One short week later, he fires the United States District Attorney and personally appoints a Democrat to replace him.

A month later he annuls the US Constitution and forms a ‘constitutional committee’ to draft a new constitution (committee includes no Republicans or Independents, no Moslems or Jews, and only a handful of women.. And is composed primarily of Democrats & religious preachers)

In a referendum not supervised by any judicial branch, this constitution narrowly wins, and President Obama ratifies it the very next morning (despite it having only gotten the approval of 18% of all Americans).

Within a month he invites top global terrorists, known jihadists and Al Qaeda members from all over the world, to a rally in Yankee stadium, where he cuts ties with and declares war on, Canada.

Throughout this whole time, the US economy is sinking, the stock market collapsing, foreign investment has all but stopped, tourism has died, and electricity, fuel, and water shortages are a daily occurrence.

Unemployment has almost doubled, and the US$ dollar has lost 20% of its value globally.

Oh, and president Obama also outlines his new plans to lease the entire Silicon Valley area to China for 50 years (with full administrative control)…

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