CBS’s Attkisson Shut Out by White House

Breitbart reports that one of CBS’s best reporters, Sharyl Attkisson, is being shut out of the information loop by the White House. This should come as no surprise to anyone. Attkisson has been particularly effective and has done great work on the unfolding Benghazi scandal, asking questions that few others have in the State Controlled Media.

The public should be ready for a lot more of this kind of thing. The Gestapo tactics of this President will only get worse as his administration starts to unravel. Like a drowning swimmer, they will take down anyone they have to in order to try to stay above water no matter what.

Attkisson was one of the few members of the progressive media establishment interested in covering the Fast & Furious scandal, as well as the Benghazi. She has been so far reaching in her work that she was dubbed a “persistent voice of media skepticism” by The Washington Post.

Her work got her praise and rumors that her boss, David Rhodes, may fire her for being too effective. Ben Rhodes, the CBS executive’s brother, also happens to be one of the operatives in the Obama administration directly involved in the Benghazi cover-up.

Now, in an interview with CBN’s David Brody, Attkisson says that she has been frozen out by Obama’s White House.

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