Oh No! Marathon Bombers Not ‘White Americans’

Thomas Lifson at The American Thinker comments that The Elite Media Monoculture is having a very difficult time coming to grips with the apparent fact that the Boston terrorist bombers are not members of some Right Wingnut Extremist group or members of the Tea Party and sadly they don’t know Sarah Palin. (And I guess that they are not “White Hispanics” either.) Instead, they look to be Muslim terrorists of the Chechen variety.

Media types have been speculating for days, as we previously posted, that the bombers had to be some kind of right wing nuts or conservatives upset with health care or gun control laws or something. But now they are going to have to walk all of those notions back, unless of course the media just decides to ignore what they previously said and hope that it all goes away and no one remembers.

In the meantime, the surviving terrorist is on the run and Boston has been locked down so that the authorities can track him down. And did you hear the rather amusing fact that the terrorists car-jacked a car with one of those dumb-ass “Coexist” bumper stickers on it?

Perfect Karma for the left if you ask me.

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