Obama Supporters Shocked at Tax Increases

The Washington Times reports that many low information Democrats who voted for Obama are now surprised to find that he lied to them about their taxes. The President promised his supporters that they would not be paying any additional taxes. No regular rank and file Democrats thinks of themselves as being in the top 1 or 2 percent of income earners. And those are the people that the Democrats said that they wanted to tax. Those rich people needed to “pay their fair share.” Well, it turns out that all of us who get a paycheck of any kind are seeing those new taxes that Obama said we wouldn’t be paying, and Democrat voters are in a state of shock to find that their paychecks are being redistributed away.

Of course if you are a conservative, you have been paying attention and you know that Obama can’t be trusted to tell the truth. And you also know that the left wants to raise everyone’s taxes as much as they can get away with. And so we can say, with some satisfaction, “I told you so.” Taxes going up in the second term of The Obama Fuhrer is no surprise to conservatives who tend to be high information and have the facts. For the rest of you, welcome to the 1 percent.

With President Obama back in office and his life-saving “fiscal cliff” bill jammed through Congress, the new year has brought a surprising turn of events for his sycophantic supporters.

“What happened that my Social Security withholding’s in my paycheck just went up?” a poster wrote on the liberal site DemocraticUnderground.com. “My paycheck just went down by an amount that I don’t feel comfortable with. I guarantee this decrease is gonna’ hurt me more than the increase in income taxes will hurt those making over 400 grand. What happened?”

Shocker. Democrats who supported the president’s re-election just had NO idea that his steadfast pledge to raise taxes meant that he was really going to raise taxes. They thought he planned to just hit those filthy “1 percenters,” you know, the ones who earned fortunes through their inventiveness and hard work. They thought the free ride would continue forever.

So this week, as taxes went up for millions of Americans — which Republicans predicted throughout the campaign would happen — it was fun to watch the agoggery of the left.

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