Hugh Hewitt Interviews Larry Arnn

Here is the transcript of an interview with President of Hillsdale College Larry Arnn. In this interview, Mr. Arnn has some very interesting things to say about the meaning of the election and where we may be headed. He also points out that are in a stronger position than conservatives may think due to the fact that the leftism of Obama does not work in the real world. It has never worked in point of fact.

People who have studied history, political science and economics should know this. We should know that even when they appear strong, we are seeing a veneer; a paper mache puppet that falls apart at the first touch of difficulty. We know from history and from economic theory that the leviathan state cannot be made to work. We know that it is full of internal contradiction that make it impossible to implement. We know from the Austrian economists that no complex society can be planned from the top because the vast amount of information needed cannot be gathered and processed. We know that the government is clumsy, slow to adapt, largely incompetent and indifferent to change. This means that Obama’s policies are certain to fail. They always fail. Our job is to be ready for that failure and to offer something better.

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