The Chosen One Gets a Pass For Now

The heart and soul of the left is their willing denial of the facts of reality and the substitution of reality with a fantasy world in which you can relentlessly attack the producers and still have production. In which you can relentlessly attack wealth and still have a standard of living. In which you can relentlessly attack individual liberty but still live your life as you see fit. In which you can relentlessly attack certain groups you see as sub-human and then claim that “we are all in this together.”

But the policies and ideas of the left cannot lift up the short poppies, they can only cut down the tall ones.

To the extent that jobs are being created at all, it is in spite of the anti-American policies of this administration, which is doing everything in its power to stop Americans from achieving success and wealth. The Obama-Fuhrer clearly does not want us to become more wealthy or successful. That does not serve the purpose of the left, which is to grow dependence and poverty that keep them in power. They have no use for an independent population that is empowered, confident and happy. To remain in power they need people to be miserable, and so they are doing everything possible to make us weak, powerless and dependent.

And now Obama has four more years to impose his revenge on the good and decent people of this country who pull the wagon. A wagon that has so many riders in it already. That wagon becomes heavier every day with the loss of more jobs and fewer people in the work force. And since the laws of economics do not change, and cannot be bent or broken, there is no logical reason to think that things are going to suddenly improve, unless Obama and the Democrats suddenly discover the virtues of capitalism and free markets.

Last night, a razor thin majority of Americans voted for another four years of the Obama-Fuhrer. And many conservatives are trying to understand why.

In thinking about the results of this election it occurs to me that many Americans may indeed believe the meme that the current state of the economy is not the fault of the current president. It is well to remember that most Americans are not political junkies, nor are they schooled in economics. And many are too young to remember the difference that Reagan made once he was in office. I was in college back then and saw for myself the difference. But millions of young people have no memory of that era. And since the schools don’t teach them, they do not know.

Perhaps conservatives need to give some thought to this fact. We may need to become teachers to a generation that does not know the cause of our current problems. Reagan never stopped explaining why he believed what he believed. He spoke about his beliefs and also why he held them. Conservatism is about a set of ideas and how those ideas work in practice. When people understand them, they do tend to adopt them. But understanding must come first.

The next four years will be no different as long as the left is setting policy. And it may take that long for some to realize that this stagnation we are living through is indeed the norm for the European socialist model. For real change to take place at the ballot box, a majority of Americans must understand the way that these policies really work in practice and the conservative alternative that we have to offer.

And so it is up to us to educate the portion of the public that does not understand these principles and ideas. These people want to do the right thing, and currently think that they are doing so. The messages that they get every day from The Elite Media Monoculture and every propaganda organ of the left tell them so. They are plugged into The Matrix of the left. It is our job to unplug them. That is a tall order. But reality is on our side. The laws of economics and human nature are on our side. Truth is on our side. And ultimately it is very hard to ignore the evidence of failure that is all around us.

We know with certainty that the ideas of the left do not work. And thus we know that another four   years of big government statism will have affects no different than those we have already seen. We know that American is on the same road as Europe, only a bit father behind. We know that freedom works. It is our job to clearly identify what is happening and why and the ideas that underly the events that we are sure to see in the coming four years. Because come what may, Americans will have more chances to choose a different path. There will be more elections to come. And if there is no improvement in the state of the nation in four years, Americans will be looking for answers. Our job is to make sure that we can provide them.

Not many people read this blog, but as long as I am around to write it, I will endeavor to explain and point out the way in which the ideas of both the right and left are playing out before us. It is important that all of us who are conservatives remember that many people do not really know these ideas, and have often been kept from them by the leftist establishment. And thus we need to teach them to those who are willing to listen and those who have been kept in the dark by the left. For the nation to change to a better path requires that people understand the nature of the path they are currently on. Reality is our guide and our friend. Our job as conservatives is to point out the truth clearly, consistently and constantly so that Americans can come to understand what they have really chosen. Because Americans always do the right thing, eventually.

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