Newspaper Ad Revenues Collapse to 1950 Levels

Over at John Nolte brings us this story in which we find that The Elite Media Monoculture is in deep trouble. Advertising revenues are the basis on which the mainstream media survives. But as we can see from the graph below, that income has fallen dramatically in the last ten years or so. Some people would argue that this is due primarily to the advent of the internet. And it is true that more people are using the internet to get their news and information now than ten years ago. But I suspect that this is not the real reason. As you can also see below, the revenues from internet advertising for newspapers has followed the same trend line as print.

As John Nolte points out, the decline began with the rise of alternative media online and the popularity of blogs that bring you the opinion and viewpoints that you don’t get from old media, whether is is in print or online. This is, I think, the real reason for this decline.

America is a mostly conservative country. We know when we are getting liberal spin and when we are getting a more fair picture of reality. The Elite Media Monoculture is far to the left of the majority of Americans and every year they have only become more so. In this election season they have put all of their chips on the table in the hope that they can save the sinking presidency of Obama, and with it their own fortunes. But as this graph shows, many of us have stopped listening to them and have simply gone elsewhere. It is remarkable that these institutions refuse to save themselves by changing their ways. If they wanted to reverse their decline, they would consider offering their audience real news instead of what is now almost entirely left wing propaganda. But that is not what they have chosen. Instead they double down on failure. Just like their president.

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