US Marine Arrested for FaceBook Posts

Salem-News brings us this story about  Brandon Raub, who has been arrested for posting items critical of the government on FaceBook. Now it should be pointed out that this guy is clearly a leftist loon based on the stuff he is posting. But even leftist loons should have the right of freedom of speech, no matter how stupid and dishonest their writings are. That the government of The Obama-Fuhrer feels comfortable putting people in jail for their opinions should be very troubling to anyone who values their freedoms, including their freedom of speech. Fascist governments typically start out by going after people who are unpopular with most of the citizens. This is done in order to set the precedent. Once it has been established that it is OK to put people in jail for what they are thinking, it is then OK to go after people with more ordinary critical views.

What’s important about this story is not Brandon Raub, but the continuing attacks on our freedoms that are coming from this administration. The Obama administration does not believe in the constitution or the bill of rights. Obama believes in power. He believes that he has the authority to force all of us into his mold of a utopian society. And if that requires that troublesome people be put in their place and silenced if needed, well then so be it.

(SALEM / RICHMOND) – A decorated U.S. Marine who served his nation in two wars, Brandon Raub, of Richmond Virginia, was arrested for airing his critical views of the U.S. government on Facebook this weekend. We just reported yesterday that a Human Rights activist in Bahrain is being prosecuted for six Twitter messages. Politically, this country is increasingly resembling Bahrain and other nations that arrest those who speak out critically over federal policy.
His mother, Kathleen Thomas, says it is another case of the word ‘terrorist’ being applied to arrest and detain a citizen. You can hear the pride she feels for her son when she explains what he has been through, and by all counts Ms. Thomas makes her points loud and clear.
The law enforcement officials rolled up to the man’s home around 7:00 last night. “He was there, the FBI, Secret Service and Chesterfield Police showed up in a storm,” she said.
Thomas says her son was questioned about why he was writing certain comments, “He basically said ‘I have some disagreements with the government and share this’, and they said, ‘You have to go with us'”.

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