The Unfair Guilt of the Left

The University of Minnesota is sponsoring an anti-white propaganda campaign designed to make you feel guilty for the sin of having a certain set of genes. Imagine that. In this public service ad we get the usual claptrap from the left that we should feel guilty about our success as long as there are others who are less successful. Perfect equality is the utopian dream of the left. But there is no reason that you have to go along with this attempt at brainwashing. You can take pride in your life and success if you know that you have worked hard for it and earned it. That’s a concept that liberals don’t really like, because it means you are free of them and their desire to control you.

What we have here are a bunch of liberals who feel guilty about the fact that behavior has a direct bearing on how you do in life. In a free, or even a relatively free economy, rewards and success are a matter of behavior and action. How you do is not random; it is based on creating value for your fellow man. I trade my skill and effort for the things that I need from other people, and they trade with me. The free market is based on win-win. But you have to offer value to take part. No one wants to have to give you a free ride if you don’t put out some effort or offer something that others want or need.

The rules for getting ahead are not that hard to understand. Every sensible person knows that to move up the economic ladder requires that one learn as much as possible while in school. One must learn to read, write and count. One must learn to take on responsibility for oneself. One must learn to work hard and take pride in one’s work. One must also learn how to work with other people since we often end up as part of a team. A free society rewards honesty, thrift, determination and effort. It does not reward sloth, laziness and illiteracy. And if you regularly are a danger to you fellows because you commit crime at a vastly higher rate than everyone else, don’t expect to get very far.

If the people in your group don’t want to work hard, don’t take education seriously, don’t bother to show up for a job, don’t have an eye on the future, don’t exercise impulse control and self discipline, then they won’t be successful.

Is that really so hard to understand?

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