The Fourth Revolution

James Piereson at The New Criterion brings us this lengthy essay in which he argues that America in the past has gone through three major political upheavals, including the Civil War and the New Deal, and that we are now on the verge of a fourth one with the end of the liberal post-war big government economic model having run its course. While not everyone may be aware of it, the indications are that we can no longer continue on the path we are on. Ever increasing regulations, taxes, spending and debt can not be maintained into the future, as we have reached the limits of our ability to re-distribute income. Thus a new direction for the country will be needed.

For conservatives this is, of course, good news. We have the opportunity to re-establish a more limited role for government and to bring back the free market in a way that will get our nation off of the path of decline that we are now seeing. The transition will probably be difficult for many people who are invested in the old model of tax and spend, but change is coming.

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