The Incredible Shrinking Recovery

At The American Spectator Peter Ferrara brings us this in depth look at the massive economic failure that is the Obama-Fuhrer’s Keynsian delusion.

Dude, Where’s My Recovery?

President Obama and his party-controlled press at the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times would like you to believe that without his Keynesian magic beans, the economy would have just kept spiraling down. But that does not accord with the historical record in America.

As I have previously explained, since World War II (that covers two-thirds of a century now) recessions in America have previously averaged 10 months. The longest previously in the postwar era was 16 months. Those recoveries weren’t due to brilliant bureaucrats in Washington riding to the rescue each time. The economy naturally returns to growth and recovery, driven by incentive, reward, and competition. That is why they call it the business cycle. Like your finger healing from a cut, the economy naturally wants to recover.

Every morning, business men and women all across the country go to work and throw themselves for the day into making their businesses more effective, efficient, competitive, innovative, profitable. Every morning, unemployed workers get up and go look for jobs. Every day, employed workers are alert to better job opportunities elsewhere. This is what has always led to recovery, not Keynesian central planning.

One could argue that the primary reason that the Obama-Fuhrer is in office is because he was not closely examined by Old Media. This is a common pattern with liberals who tend to act emotionally rather than evaluate the facts. Conservatives knew that this administration would be bad because we looked into who the Obama-Fuhrer really is. But the epic failure of this administration has come as a bit of a shock to many liberals because they did not really know who they were electing.

Now they have to skew polls to maintain the illusion that The Chosen One is not what he appears to be; a total failure. But I don’t think that most people are buying it.

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