All of Detroit’s Public School Teachers Get Layoff Notices

In this article from Julianne Hing we learn that the public school teachers in Detroit are getting to enjoy The Golden Age of Hope and Change. Or perhaps it’s “Recovery Summer” or something. In any case, Detroit and the State of Michigan are broke. Like so many other bastions of liberalism, the numbers of productive people have fallen while the moochers have been increasing. Why this should be a surprise to liberals is a mystery. Basic economics tells us that the more you punish the productive, the less they will produce.

The collapse of Michigan and Detroit is the direct result of liberal’s love of big government spending, high taxation and union protectionism. The most productive businesses and people have been driven from the state to greener pastures where they are not considered to be the enemy. What’s left are the people who don’t believe that the bills for ever growing government must eventually be paid and that the gravy train will somehow just go on forever. Welcome to “Atlas Shrugs.”

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