
In my condo building one of the units just went up for sale this week. As I was going downstairs to do a load of laundry today, I happened to meet the real estate agent, a very nice woman named Colleen. Since she had not seen the laundry area, I gave her a brief tour and got to talking with her about the real estate market. One of the things she mentioned caught my attention. She said that “people are waiting for the election” in regards to the economy. Now keep in mind that I live in a liberal city, Chicago. So what does that mean, that “people are waiting”? Waiting for what exactly?

If people thought that they would be getting four more years of The Obama Fuhrer would they be “waiting”? I don’t think so. In my opinion, without saying so directly, she was indicating that people are waiting for this administration to get kicked out and replaced with a new one. No more Obama. And this from someone I just met and who does not know anything about me or my interest in politics. To me, that’s a powerful indication of the level of distaste out there for what this administration has done and a strong desire to see them gone.

Some people in the media, and not a few in the Republican beltway establishment, have been speaking and acting as though Obama cannot be beaten in the election. They say that Obama is just too well liked. But I don’t buy it. This brief exchange with someone I have not previously met tells me that The Obama Fuhrer is done. There will be no second term for the lightbringer.

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