Stop Crying

The Washington Post brings us this story in which the Obama-Fuhrer proclaims to the mind numbed robots that they should stop complaining about the record high levels of unemployment and the collapse of black net worth and just vote for him next time around. And of course there is little doubt that most blacks will follow his orders because you don’t want to let the white people know that you know your guy is a complete loser.

And I have to say here that I don’t have much sympathy for you if you fall for this sort of thing. Obama uses people. And if you are willing to go along with this, then he is using you too. He cares about himself and his power. He does not care about you, even if you happen to be black. You are a tool to him; something to be used and disposed of when no longer needed. Those who vote for him again, despite the obvious failure of his policies, are asking for their misery to continue.

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