Spare Change

It is a common trope among liberal leftist types to claim that the right is defined by the desire to hold back any change no matter what kind it might be. This is, of course, both an exaggeration as well as misdirection. Change can be either good or bad. It very much depends on the specifics and details. If your house burns down, that’s a change. So is getting a promotion and a big salary increase. Are they the same? If not, which would you prefer?

Those of us on the right are not opposed to change as such; rather we want to make sure that change is a positive force rather than a destructive one. Consequently, we tend to examine proposed changes in light of both their short-term and long-term effects. Changes need to be integrated into the existing structure of our lives in such a way as to not be damaging to most people and to institutions that we consider valuable and important.

Liberals are, by contrast, fond of any change no matter how ill-defined or batty it might seem to individuals more grounded in reality. For the liberal mind, change is automatically a good thing and something to be encouraged and embraced. The details are less important than the fact that there is some kind of change happening.

Right now there is a great deal of speculation as to exactly what is going on in the country. We are indeed seeing some very interesting changes and developments. Whether they are good or not will, as already noted, depend on what those changes are. And we cannot judge their meaning without taking a closer look at what we know about our current situation and recent events.

What do we know?

Let’s start with the obvious. We know that the election in November was stolen. The evidence of massive vote fraud is overwhelming. I have posted many of the videos of the various state hearings where that evidence was presented right here on this blog. Just go back a few pages if you want to watch them. Most of these hearings were many hours in length and featured expert testimony, video evidence, and witnesses. There is no doubt at all that we saw massive fraud on a scale not seen before in this country.

In addition to the official hearings, we also have a number of individuals close to President Trump who have been pursuing their own independent investigations such as Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani. They too have uncovered evidence of the fraud.

Last but not least we have a vast army of anons who have been tireless in their pursuit of the truth and facts regarding this election. Whether on blogs like this one, Twitter, Facebook, GAB, or boards like 8kun, regular people have been searching for the facts and evidence about what happened and they have turned up a treasure trove of evidence that only further reinforces the clear indication that the election was stolen from the people of America and from the true President, Donald Trump. So we know that Joe Biden is a president in name only. He is a fake; a pretender. And at this point, everyone who is not in a coma knows it too.

We also know that the media continues to pretend that none of this evidence exists. They will not cover any of it. They are in on the steal. They are all in for Joe Biden. They are part of the corrupt machine. They are the propaganda arm of that machine. Don’t even bother watching; You will get no truth from them.

We know that most of the Republican party is also compromised since only a very few worked to back up the President and to try to defend election integrity. The Neo-Cons, RINOs, and Never Trumpers are glad to let the election be stolen if it means they can advance their own petty interests. They are traitors even more so than the Democrats. At least the Democrats are happy to proclaim that they want to enslave you without trying to pretend that they like you.

So the elites of both parties want to impose their views and policies on us whether we voted for them or not. And they are willing to use force and fraud to get their way.

The choices that they have made so far; Biden, Harris, broadcasting their ridiculous ideas and policies without any self-awareness at all. We need to remember that from their point of view they really do think they know best. They don’t make mistakes. Everything is the way they say it is unless it isn’t and then they change the story on a dime and forget what they said ten seconds ago. There is no history for them; just the eternal current year. Every problem can be solved with better PR and keeping those troublesome deplorables out of sight. Their ideology says that they are the anointed ones, so what’s the problem?

So where does that leave us?

In these circumstances, I think it is well to remember what Q has said many times in the past: “These people are stupid.” It is a sentiment with which I fully agree and to which I would add, they are also arrogant. Stupid and arrogant is a very bad combination for anyone who wants to understand the world around them. And it doesn’t help much when it comes to introspection either.

There are those who doubt that Q is the real deal, that he was/is some sort of operation by the enemy to get us to let our guard down. But I don’t think that is supported by the facts. AC points out that Q’s postings have had the effect of galvanizing the opposition and getting our message out to a much wider audience, which is something that the Cabal would not want. And so we can surmise that whoever Q is, he is not an enemy operation.

The argument I would make against that is, one a lot that was bad for Cabal happened for some reason. Trump stripped their media of all credibility, and drove the hosts so crazy they became intolerable even for normies. Epstein happened, and then got “killed” in prison, under surveillance cameras and it clearly got covered up. And they did kill 8Chan. They banned Q accounts, and they relentlessly demonized it. At the same time, they never exposed who was behind it. And I don’t think anybody can argue Q was good for Cabal, as millions of people now understand conspiracies are real, and governments are run by them. Fuck, we know the elections are fake now too. I thought it, and you will find me saying fake elections could be the case right here years ago. But I couldn’t say for certain. Now we know.

What I think this means is that we are now primed for real change. That we, as a country, know more about the truth than we ever have in the modern era. We know that there is a corrupt Cabal at the top of our institutions and government. We know they don’t like us. We know they are willing to lie, cheat, steal and bribe their way to power with little expectation of consequences. And we have now seen them hiding behind steel fences and barbed wire because they know that we know. That’s not a projection of confidence. It’s an admission of fear. Q said they would not be able to walk down the street, and now he’s right.

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