Normal Is Broke

In this video, Dave Ramsey lays down the law about how people end up broke.

This is even more true now than it was when it was first posted. Even when times were good most people were living well beyond their means. Now that Cabal has locked the country down and taken away our prosperity, it is even more important to have good financial habits in place. Unfortunately, most don’t.

My parents passed away not long ago and they were exactly the kind of people that Ramsey speaks of in this video. They made decisions emotionally. They didn’t plan. They bought tons of crap they didn’t need. They ran their credit cards up and left behind nothing but IOUs and a pile of unpaid debt. Childish and irresponsible. Not what an adult does. An adult does not indulge in wishful thinking. Adults plan based on reality.

It pains me to say it because they weren’t bad people. Just irresponsible, like children who don’t look past the present moment to future consequences. And sadly they weren’t alone. Many folks are hurting now because they did not think to plan for the inevitable rainy day. And here we are, in the middle of the monsoon season. Remember to pack an umbrella.

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