Dead Serious

The American Thinker covered this years ago, but it should not be forgotten.

When you are tempted to give the left the benefit of the doubt regarding their supposedly noble intentions, you might want to stop for a moment and remember this video that gives us a bit of insight into the real nature of the left.

The left has not changed. The left never changes.

They are psychopaths and so they are unable to live normally or to tolerate normal, decent people particularly Americans who just want to live their lives in freedom and pursue their dreams. The left is driven to kill and destroy because of their deep mental illness and they cannot be cured. If you value your safety, you will want to never forget this brutal fact.

They are your enemy; they will always be your enemy.

This entry was posted in (((The Hollows))), Activism, Communism, Democrats, Government Tyranny, Marxism, Social Justice Warriors, The Angry Left, The Culture War, The Deep State, The Ruling Class. Bookmark the permalink.