Chicago Still Thinks You’re Stupid

The City of Chicago is issuing more restrictions to tell you how to live your lives because you are just a dumb sheep who has to be led and can’t think for yourself.


Groups of more than six (6)
are not permitted in Units.

COVID-19 Legal Updates Impacting
Chicago Community Associations

The City of Chicago recently announced that they are reinstating certain restrictions that take effect Friday, July 24 at 12:01 a.m. in order to prevent the further spread of COVID-19.

A key point within these restrictions that impacts Chicago community associations: “Residential property managers will be asked to limit guest entry to six per unit to avoid indoor gatherings and parties.”

While not mandatory, the City is asking buildings to enforce this through their front desk attendant (if the building has one). If the building does not have a front desk attendant, the City is asking that associations display signage throughout the building that clearly states that groups in excess of five are not permitted in the Units.

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