Purge Update for June 2020

Be aware that social media platforms are moving in the most heavy-handed ways to silence your access to any information that may constitute wrong-think on your part. No ideas that the bolsheviks disapprove of may be heard or repeated in any forum that you might come across. No dangerous ideas about freedom, success, patriotism, the 2nd Amendment, and certainly nothing about the President that isn’t Orange Man Bad may be posted by the dictates of our technological overlords. You are not to criticize any left-wing group, cause, or individuals on the grounds that all such discussion is “hate speech” and will result in you being eliminated from existence, for your own good of course.

This entry was posted in (((The Hollows))), Activism, Communism, Corruption, Democrats, Fake News, Marxism, New Media, Political Correctness, Social Justice Warriors, Technology, The Angry Left, The Culture War, The Elite Media Monoculture, The Ruling Class. Bookmark the permalink.