Viral States

Patricia McCarthy at American Thinker brings us this article that provides an overview of the current situation regarding the Wuhan virus and how we as a nation have been responding. Her argument is that we may want to reconsider our actions in light of the data showing that mortality rates are not as high as we first suspected and that an over-reaction does not serve us well. Moreover, we can see the ways in which certain states, mostly run by Democrats, have imposed draconian measures that have been more severe than necessary. This is not to say that this virus isn’t a problem; it is. But it should be seen in context with other problems and illnesses that we also deal with on a regular basis without having to kill the economy in the process.

President Trump is a genius for leaving these things to the governors.  He clearly knew full well that the dumbest among them would overreach.  Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan has become a national joke, but she is still doubling down.  Her citizens can row in a canoe but not be in a motorboat!  Other Democrat governors are imposing restrictions on their citizens’ essential freedoms that have no basis in the science they all claim to be using to validate these impediments on our daily lives.  New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s handling of the outbreak there has been the worst by far.  New York was tragically unprepared and Cuomo’s every step to address the crisis was disastrous.  New York City’s Mayor Bill DeBlasio has been a disaster as well.  Both of them were encouraging New Yorkers to “go about their lives” until late in February.   Everything that went right in New York was thanks to President Trump. But they both began blaming Trump for their own failures.  Cuomo is largely responsible for the huge numbers of deaths in the nursing homes; it was on his watch that the state ordered these homes for the vulnerable to to accept COVID-19-positive patients.  He also cut the subway runs in half, making them twice as crowded.  His judgment has been so poor, he will never be a viable presidential candidate.  Never.

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