Denial is a First World Problem

One of the continuing things we observe about our current situation regarding this pandemic is the desire of liberals and leftists to avoid and shift blame away from the Chinese communists and their willing media shills. They do this using a variety of shaming techniques designed to prevent people from discussing or even naming facts about the virus and its origin that have been clearly and undeniably been demonstrated. They just don’t want to badmouth a communist dictatorship or assign any kind of responsibility. Bearing that in mind The Patriot Post has put together a comprehensive resource of information pertaining to these facts and a timeline that is useful for showing the idiots that the rest of us are not buying their crappy disinformation. Check out The Patriot Post for the info you need on the Chinse Communist virus here.

The first cases of COVID-19 (CV19) disease, a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome illness caused by the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus variant, were recorded in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in November 2019 – though there were most certainly earlier cases. For at least two months, under the direction of communist dictator Xi Jinping, officials with the People’s Republic of China actively concealed evidence of the emerging novel coronavirus, priming a global pandemic. China’s reports on CV19 deaths in Wuhan and elsewhere were, and remain, spurious, and the low fatality data being reported for Beijing, Shanghai and other mass-urban centers, defies any credibility. For that reason, the information provided on this resource page does not rely on any degree on information provided by China. However, the mainstream media continue to report China’s data as if it was factual.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has been tracking and preparing for the disease since the earliest reports were confirmed by the United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on 31 December 2019 – believed initially to be the most reliable source of health information for China. However, Tedros, an Ethiopian member of the radical communist People’s Liberation Front, was elevated to his WHO position by XI’s communist government in 2017 and manipulated information about CV19 at Xi’s behest.

This entry was posted in Communism, Corruption, Democrats, Education, Fake News, Foreign Policy, Government Tyranny, Immigration, New Media, Political Correctness, Science, The Angry Left, The Culture War, The Elite Media Monoculture, The Ruling Class. Bookmark the permalink.