WordPress De-Platforms Chateau Heartiste

Chateau Heartiste has been in my list of recommended blogs for quite a long time. In point of fact I can’t even recall when I first came across it. I likely found it when I also discovered other Manosphere blogs such as Rational Male and sites like Return of Kings (Roosh, for those in the know). But as we have seen recently, the (((Cabal))) and their friends are making an all out push to silence any influential right-wing voices. What this demonstrates yet again is that if you want to have a voice online today you would be wise to develop your own platform. That is why this blog is not on Google or WordPress. I pay to have it independently hosted. It’s not an absolute guarantee of course, but you substantially reduce your chances of being disappeared if you don’t put yourself in a more vulnerable position in the first place.

As for Heartiste, I am hoping that he will be back with his own blog again as soon as he can get it up and running. I will be keeping an eye out for it and will be checking Gab where he has a presence.

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