Senator Fraser Anning

A New Zealand Senator publishes a statement that reminds us it is the religion of Islam that has been attacking the West and its people for many decades and that therefore it is not surprising that some of that violence will come back to them as a result. It’s not the standard media or elite narrative, but it is human nature to strike back against ongoing violence. Importing millions of 3rd world people who have no intention of peacefully integrating themselves into modern cultures is certainly asking for trouble.

It should be noted that some on the right suspect that this attack is a false flag designed to call into question the views of nationalists and those who oppose open borders and unlimited immigration from non-western nations, and certainly The Elite Media Monoculture has wasted no time pushing the standard narrative of the evil and badthink of the right.

It may also be that people are coming to see that this media message is indeed a narrative that is intended, not to inform, but rather to propagandize the populations of the West into giving up their native lands to what is essentially a long drawn out invasion. And if that is the case then this incident will have very little lasting impact other than to create even more doubt about the motives of those in government and the media and their loyalty to our culture and civilization.

Neon Revolt has a post up, the first part of which deals with some details of this event.

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