The Future Looks Better Because Obama isn’t in it

This story from the LA Times makes the argument that the improvement in the jobs picture is all due to the Obama-Fuhrer. But we all know that is just the media’s mad spinning. It does look like there are signs of life in the economy. And job creation may indeed be picking up.

This is good news and no real credit should go to the Obama-Fuhrer. Indeed, these improvements are coming along at this time exactly because the administration has run out of gas. This is the argument being made by Larry Kudlow on his radio program last week. (And he’s right of course)

The “crap sandwich” did nothing to bring the economy back or to create jobs. Everyone who has been paying attention knows this. The president himself admitted that there were no “shovel ready” jobs. The whole thing was designed to keep government union employees in the states in their jobs. In short, it was a transfer of wealth from the productive to the parasites. In the short run state governments were able to avoid making the tough choices and to trim their bloated budgets.

But that money has run out and there is no more. Everyone also knows this. As long as Republicans control the house, the massive transfers of wealth are at an end. And the political trends, the conclusions of the LA Times notwithstanding, are in the direction that will take us back to conservative market based economics. Keynes has been refuted once again. Adam Smith, Hayek and Reagan vindicated.

Obama’s popularity is at an all time low with no improvement in sight.

And so businesses can see the way the wind is blowing and are now calculating that the future will be safer for investment and growth and thus for job creation. They look down the road and they see Obamanomics consigned to the trash heap of history along with all of the socialist variations that are already there.

The future looks better because the Obama-Fuhrer isn’t in it.

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