Cuckservatives and Steve King

The Cuckservatives in the GOP are clutching their pearls with regard to Steve King because he has committed wrong-thought by saying that there might be something good about Western Civilization. This, of course, cannot be allowed and the butt-boys in the party are responding in pavlovian fashion by removing King from various committees and posts. They hope this will win them points with (((The Elite Media Monoculture))) although I seriously doubt it. They remember only what is currently needed to push the agenda, then it is forgotten as fast as yesterday’s laundry.

Republican leaders in the House voted to remove the Iowa lawmaker from the Judiciary, Agricultural and Small Business Committees following his inflammatory remarks.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy released a statement that called King’s recent statement “beneath the dignity of the Party of Lincoln and the United States of America.”

“As Congressman King’s fellow citizens, let us hope and pray earnestly that this action will lead to greater reflection and ultimately change on his part,” McCarthy said.

King also released a statement on Monday night that claimed he only intended to defend “Western civilization” — not white supremacy.

What this shows us, as if we needed another example, is the true agenda of the globalist cabal. White people must be attacked and disparaged no matter what. And no one can be allowed to defend white people or the Western Civilization that they have built because that might endanger the globalist agenda that the cabal believes in and advocates for.

The GOP still has not figured out why Trump won against a whole fleet of establishment cuckservatives in the primaries and then against the Hildebeast in the general election. Tone-deaf does not begin to cover just how out of touch these GOP weaklings are. Clearly changing the party to something more unapologetically pro-American is going to be long-term project.

And American Renaissance weighs in on the subject with this essay.

Steve King is the best congressman there is on immigration, and he has never wavered in his fight for policies that serve the American people. He has come close to linking race to immigration, as when he tweeted, “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.” But he has always pulled back and emphasized his commitment to race-blind civic nationalism.

It should be noted that Rep. McCarthy—the one who tweeted fatuously about the Declaration—has taken a Trumpian turn in recent years. He’s been steadfast in support of the president’s immigration policies, and has even said diversity is not America’s strength. But when the media start frothing over alleged “white nationalism,” he is as craven as Paul Ryan.

This time, “conservatives” were equally vicious. National Review’s editorial board urged the GOP to “dump” Congressman King. The editors expressed disgust that the congressman dares to mention “fringe tropes such as ‘cultural suicide by demographic transformation’.” To be opposed to dispossession is a “fringe trope.”

Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro said that Republicans should censure Mr. King and make sure he loses in the next primary. In the past, Mr. Shapiro supported Mr. King and defended him against charges of racism.

At least one conservative commentator even argued that western civilization isn’t white. John Podhoretz explained in the New York Post that non-whites have shaped western civilization since the beginning. Mr. Podhoretz’s examples were St. Augustine, Alexander Pushkin, and Alexander Hamilton. He also claims that Italian immigrants were not considered white when they first came to America, and yet Italy engineered the Renaissance. Mr. Podhoretz ended in a blaze of stupidity, claiming that the greatness of western civilization lies in its “universal message” that “all men are created equal.”

Unfortunately for Mr. King’s critics, neither he nor his message are going away. The President of the United States and Tucker Carlson make similar arguments all the time. The Republican Party must ask itself: Does it want to be the party of Steve King and defend western civilization? Or does it want to be the party of Tim Scott and lick the boots of the liberal establishment?

As Pat Buchanan wrote in the column tweeted out by President Trump, “The more multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural, multilingual America becomes—the less it looks like Ronald Reagan’s America—the more dependably Democratic it will become.”

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