Trouble Brewing in the ‘Coalition of the Ascendant’

Patrick McDermott has an interesting essay at American Renaissance that looks at the potential political divisions coming down the road for the Democrat party and how they will naturally develop from the current demographic trends pushed by the “browning of America.” Simply put, the current crop of old, white liberals like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are not representative of the younger leftists coming up through the ranks. Those younger generations of Democrats on the state farm teams are overwhelmingly minority and far more radical in their approach. They want left-wing socialism and they are not shy about advancing their agenda by any means necessary. Think Ocasio-Cortez as the future of the Democrat party. When old liberal whites are pushed aside, will younger, educated urban whites find that they have also been pushed out of the party? Will the new leadership see them as nothing but an ATM they can raid for welfare money? And how will the young whites feel about that?

Many studies have shown that fear, not persuasion, is the most effective way to change core convictions. Experimental research has shown that growing awareness of the nation’s pending demographic change makes whites more conservative and makes them feel closer to other whites.

Most of white America does not feel threatened yet, but it will—and with good reason. The world’s long history of ethnic conflict has not been kind to minorities, with outcomes ranging from oppression to ethnic cleansing or worse. Such conflict is highly correlated with genetic diversity and ethnic polarization. There is probably no better example of “white privilege” than the foolish belief among whites that they are somehow exempt from these larger historical forces, especially given the real world examples in South Africa and Haiti. Wishful thinking is not a counterstrategy.

The 2018 elections were a setback not just for Republicans, but also for advocates who hoped that white America would wake up to the growing threat. But the story is not over. College-educated white Americans who are so willingly abandoning their racial kin today are about to experience a rude awakening. Until then, Republicans would do well to dust off a copy of the Sailer Strategy and infuse Trump’s nationalism with something else he campaigned on but that has largely gone missing—a healthy dose of pro-working class populism.

Given the powerful lock that the dominant moral mythology has on our white educated elite, the crisis confronting white America will get worse before it gets better. This seems inevitable. But there is also truth in the old aphorism that it is always darkest before the dawn. The dawn is coming. That, too, is inevitable.

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