Psychological Disorders Are the Platform of the Democrat Party

Rush talked about this topic on his Friday show and really, this is something that a lot of people have been noticing lately. These people on the left have real, serious problems. Normal people don’t act and speak the way they do. And as more and more regular Americans realize just how out-to-lunch the left is, the less they will be willing to trust them with power.

RUSH: I just ran into this story. This is from our buddies at NewsBusters. “Feminist Author Jill Filipovic Demands Women ‘Divorce Your Republican Husbands’ — [F]eminist author Jill Filipovic … tweeted instructions to her fellow scorned women on how to get back at the man. ‘Divorce your Republican husbands.’” This is why I say, ladies and gentlemen, that I think a lot of political activists are actually victims of psychological issues and are projecting it onto the world of politics.

I think… I really do. I think this is the way to explain much of liberalism, that they have victimized so many people, made them think they’re victims. That means they’re helpless, things are hopeless. Everything’s stacked against ’em. Whatever’s wrong in their lives, it’s somebody else’s fault. The Democrat Party has lassoed all these people and has promised to fix things for them by getting even with the people who are responsible for mistreating
’em, which happens to be white, male Republicans.

This is so deranged. “Divorce your Republican…”? She’s serious! “Divorce your Republican husbands.” That’s how we get back at what the Republicans are doing to Dr. Ford. “You get even with ’em! You divorce your Republican husband.” She’s serious about it. She’s tweeting it out there. People are treating it seriously. This is deranged. This is a psychological disorder of some merit, some degree. You read something like this and you can’t help laugh at it, and then you realize they’re serious.

Get even with the Republicans for what they’ve done to Dr. Ford by divorcing your Republican husband and take him for all he’s worth. Now, somebody tell me that that’s rational. Tell me it’s a rational way to think, that it’s a rational solution to a problem. None of it is rational! But it makes perfect sense if you look at these people rather than being political activists, that they are first people with psychological disorders who have found their way into the political system and been validated.

Their psychological disorder, their mess, whatever it is, has been validated by the Democrat Party, which then goes and makes policy based on all of this, and then it finds its way into the curriculum at universities in the form of women’s studies curricula and other such things.

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