The Songs of Jeong & Lee

Counter-Currents brings us this lengthy article on the recent controversy wherein the New York Times hired a young, Asian “journalist” whose primary qualification for her position is that she holds a seething hatred and resentment for this country and the people, mostly white, who made it all possible.

The late founder of modern Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, is famous for observing: “In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.” This axiom led Yew to state, years later, that “multiculturalism will destroy America.” But it is not just through voting that multiculturalist tribalism expresses itself; it manifests itself through culture in a myriad of forms: activist journalism and theatrical plays being just two of many possible avenues.

With the recent, illustrative examples of Sarah Jeong and Young Jean Lee, we can now discern the shape of an emerging “Asian women hating on white men” trend among the Left’s hepcat sophisticates, one that is rapidly transitioning towards the actual dehumanization of whites. (We could add Inkoo Kang, a staff writer in Slate’s culture department, as another example, but that’s for another day.)

By way of a Preface, it’s important to note that, per the emergent science of race realism, whites do not (and ought not to) dehumanize people of color (POCs). Rather, whites see POCs as a difference in kind, and largely incompatible with the underlying tenets of white culture. The empirical realities of human biodiversity (HBD) allow us to see, with greater and greater clarity, how civilizational differences are very much an offshoot of genetic differences plus time. Our political stance is informed by this knowledge; we come to see and appreciate the uniqueness of our very “way of being.” As members of this culture, it is natural to want to protect it, to not sit idly by while the necessary levels of homogeneity required to maintain this way of being are diluted by endless POC immigration.

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