John Derbyshire: Build the Wall

Over at VDARE, John Derbyshire weighs in on Trump, border hysteria from the left and the ultimate need to build the wall.

You likely know that Mexico, through which these Central American invaders passed, has a well-equipped U.S. embassy and nine, count ’em nine, consulates scattered across that country from Yucatan in the south to Tijuana in the north. Any Central American seeking asylum in the U.S.A. could apply at any of those places, without any fear of being separated from his children.

You probably also know that Mexico is a nation addled with criminality and corruption. Much of what happens there is dictated by crime syndicates who depend on smuggling narcotics into the U.S.A. Those syndicates obviously have a keen interest in keeping our Border Patrol busy with other matters—like, for example, detaining and processing illegal border-crossers.

As of last Friday, you’re probably acquainted with the backstory behind Time magazine’s current cover picture of a weeping tot who, according to Time, had been ripped from her mother’s arms.

The true story—uncovered by the British press, of course, not by our own worthless hacks—is that the child comes from a comfortable middle-class family in Honduras; that the child’s mother long fantasized about living in the U.S.A.; and that she at last acted on her fantasy, paying six thousand dollars to people traffickers and heading north without telling her husband, who is left in Honduras with their other three children, aged fourteen to six.[ Honduran father reveals daughter was never separated from her mother, By Daniel Bates and Karen Ruiz , Daily Mail, June 23, 2018]

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