Tammy Bruce on California Water Rationing

Former leftists often have the best insight into the failures and antics of the left. The state of California has just passed laws that severely limit water usage per person in that hell-hole of a state and provides further reasons for any normal person to avoid those places where the left is in charge of things. If you are on the right and you can flee from California, you really need to get out while you can.

Tammy Bruce weighs in;

“Please sir, I want some more,” is no longer a sentiment just for Oliver Twist in the orphanage. A new law in California limits how much water can be used by each household. Now their showers, how many flushes, and how often they can do their laundry will be under the watchful eye of the state government.

This from politicians who have pushed policies creating homeless and drug abuse crises throughout the state. They have now decided to clamp down on the use of the most basic needs of civilized living.

As the blog Zero Hedge put it, “it’s now against the law to do laundry and shower on the same day in the Sunshine State,” and they’re not exaggerating. Under the guise of addressing “climate change,” the new bill rations water to a degree that makes it impossible to maintain a healthy home environment.

Perhaps the state wants everyone to feel like the drug addicts living in California’s ever-expanding homeless tent cities?

Zero Hedge reported, “Assembly Bill 1668 is where it gets personal. This establishes limits on indoor water usage for every person in California and the amount allowed will decrease even further over the next 12 years. ‘The bill, until January 1, 2025, would establish 55 gallons per capita daily as the standard for indoor residential water use, beginning January 1, 2025, would establish the greater of 52.5 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use, and beginning January 1, 2030, would establish the greater of 50 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use …’”

Meanwhile, the cuckservatives over at The Weakly Standard try as hard as they can to make excuses for California Democrats and leftists who are destroying a formerly great state.

It is unclear the effect that said fines could have on consumers.

Really, unclear? I can tell you right now that people will have to do with less and pay if they don’t bow down to the enviro-nazis. How is that hard to figure out for the cucks at the Weakly Standard?

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