Twitter the Republican Leadership

Hugh Hewitt has a great idea. Even though it’s the weekend and congressional staff probably won’t answer the phones, that doesn’t mean you can’t Twitter. So take some time if you are a conservative and you want to let the leadership know how you feel about the debt deal. Tell them to stand firm against new taxes and more spending. You can Tweet the leadership at the following:

@JohnBoehner, @EricCantor and @KevinoMccarthy as well as @GOPLeader and @GOPWhip.

And I also think that Hewitt nails it when he writes in this post on how petulant and dangerous this man-child president is and the way in which the economy is careening around with him in charge. The sooner this tyrant is gone, the better.

“I’m not going to negotiate in public” has been the president’s mantra, and it is simple code for “the public won’t support what I am proposing.”  The president has bluffed, cajoled and filibustered his way through a month of closed door theatrics with the assistance of a compliant MSM, and the public is weary to the bone with the Community Organizer in Chief.  His petulance, self-regard and overbearing ego combines into an unprecedented persona that is both ludicrous and also alarming in that he may truly be as clueless about the economy as he often sounds.

The president’s willingness to directly threaten seniors with a cut-off of Social Security and to abet a market panic Monday are also unprecedented, as well as irresponsible and wildly reckless acts of a blinkered pol, involved in negotiations way over his head on matters he quite obviously does not understand.  His bluster, like the bluster of most amateurs, is an attempt to disguise a deep insecurity and his retreat last night to the the most bankrupt of poses –“I am for the little guy”– was unintentionally candid in that it revealed his complete contempt for promises made to voters while asking people to trust him.

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