The Congressional Exemption From ObamaCare

This week the hullabaloo in DC is about the budget and ObamaCare. So for you low information voters, I am recalling an article from a couple of weeks back that you may not have seen. It is important that you understand that the Congress of the United States is so afraid of what will happen to them under ObamaCare that they want to be exempt from it or to get taxpayer subsidies from all of us so that they don’t have to pay the full price that regular American citizens will.

Our founding fathers created a system in which everyone, high and low, was subject to the same laws. But in our modern age, that is no longer the case. Now we have a special system of laws and subsidies for the elite who think they are better than all of us, and the rest of the country gets the scraps from the table that they throw to us. While they do so, they also use our money to try to convince us all of how beneficent they are and that we should all be grateful to them for their great sacrifice. And if you believe that, you are a fool.

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