Why Hispanics Don’t Vote for Republicans

At The National Review Heather Mac Donald provides a clear analysis of why one cannot depend on the Hispanic vote to keep the country on a path to limited and constitutional government. The bottom line is that if you are dependent on government services and welfare, you are going to vote for the party of free stuff. That would be Democrats. It’s not about immigration policy. It’s about the hand outs.

Republicans would do well to remember that importing hoards of low-education third world socialists is not the way you want to keep the country free. It pains me to say so, given that I have a part Hispanic background myself, but it is true. In time it might be possible to wean Latinos off of welfare, but that is a long term issue. In the short term, expect minorities to keep voting to pick your pocket if you are part of the productive class. Are you listening Larry Kudlow?

And a strong reason for that support for big government is that so many Hispanics use government programs. U.S.-born Hispanic households in California use welfare programs at twice the rate of native-born non-Hispanic households. And that is because nearly one-quarter of all Hispanics are poor in California, compared to a little over one-tenth of non-Hispanics. Nearly seven in ten poor children in the state are Hispanic, and one in three Hispanic children is poor, compared to less than one in six non-Hispanic children. One can see that disparity in classrooms across the state, which are chock full of social workers and teachers’ aides trying to boost Hispanic educational performance.

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