Obama the Fascist Attacks Gibson Guitar

The “Federal Family” recently raided the Gibson guitar company in what is looking more and more like a gestapo like attempt to intimidate a business that supports Republicans rather than Democrats. The Wall Street Journal brings us the story about how the government is claiming that Gibson is using illegal woods to build their guitars. They raided facilities in Nashville and Memphis to seize the offending guitars.

It is comforting to know that while the economy is collapsing, that unemployment is at record levels and drug gangs are flooding across the southern border, the Obama-Fuhrer is busy with the critical business of punishing companies that might not be sending him campaign contributions.

This kind of thing is, of course, all too typical of this fascist regime and it’s hate of private property and private business. The left just can’t abide the thought of anyone doing anything without the permission of some fat, lazy government parasite in Washington giving his permission while being paid twice the salary of the average American who is lucky enough to still have a job.


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