Men on Strike by Dr. Helen Smith

Dr. Helen Smith has written a book titled “Men on Strike” in which she brings to a wider audience the ideas that have been percolating for some time now in what has come to be known as the Manosphere. This is an area of the internet where the discussion is about the situation that men find themselves in today, given the disdain for traditional values and masculinity that have been introduced into the culture by the left in general and Feminism in particular. The writers who make up the Manosphere seek to re-introduce a respect for men and masculinity in the culture and bring men back to a more dominant footing in society through both a political understanding of what has happened to men throughout the west and through a more accurate psychological understanding of women and the strategies that they tend to use to elevate their position relative to men.

Dr. Helen’s book argues that men are increasingly going on strike against the new Feminist paradigm by refusing to participate in it. As many bloggers in the Manosphere have detailed, men are learning that marriage in today’s society is a very bad deal for them. The rate of divorce is very high in the US, and most other western countries that have adopted the new Feminist mindset. Of the 50% of marriages that end in divorce, 70% of those are initiated by the wife. In such cases men tend to lose a great deal of their net worth and future income potential. Men are reacting to this as one would expect based on standard economic thinking. They are refusing to enter into a contract in which they gain little but risk much. As a result marriage rates are down, birth rates are down and many women are coming to understand, often too late, that the choices that they are making mean that they will never marry or have children. Women may be the gatekeepers of sex, but men are the gatekeepers of commitment. More and more men now believe that marriage is a bad deal for them and not worth the effort.

Thus we bring you some articles related to this new book and the problems that it discusses.

Dalrock writes that Dr. Helen is Disturbing the Mound and takes a look at the response that this book has generated in The Elite Media Monoculture.

At The American Thinker Selwyn Duke argues that the rise in a female dominated culture is bad news for society because every successful society in history has been a male dominated one. Once you introduce matriarchy, what you get is that civilization’s decline.

And also at The American Thinker Janice Shaw Crouse asks Where are the Boys? In this article the author looks at the declining participation of boys and young men in our educational institutions and what that implies for our nation’s future.

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