Jason Richwine, IQ and Immigration

Michelle Malkin reports on this story about Heritage Foundation scholar Jason Richwine, who by the way has now been fired by Heritage, and his doctoral thesis which has attracted unwanted attention from the political correctness gestapo. The problem for those on the left and the Republican establishment open boarders crowd is that his paper argues that the kind of immigration that we are being sold will cost the nation a gigantic $6.3 trillion dollars in government expenditures. This immigration plan does not benefit the country although proponents are claiming otherwise. The immigrants in question tend to use large amounts of government provided welfare and benefits. They do not, as a rule, produce enough to pay for those benefits. This means that you, the taxpaying citizen, will get to pick up the rest over the coming years to make up the difference.

The blank slate and equalists of both the left and the right continue to deny what most people understand instinctively. Not only do people vary in their talents and abilities; so do groups, at least on average. We wish it were not so, but the facts are what they are. For a comprehensive examination of the issue one should take a look at the now classic book, “The Bell Curve” by Murry and Herrenstein. While the full range of IQ can be found in all groups, the overall averages differ. This means that if you import very large numbers of people with lower IQs into the country, you will end up having to pay for them with various kinds of government transfers of wealth that can only come from those with higher levels of IQ and economic productivity.

Now if that is what you want, then fine. Just know what it is that you are buying. But the advocates of this immigration bill are selling it as a way to improve American productivity. It will do no such thing, and will in fact cost the country a staggering amount.

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