Agent Provacateurs and Their Methods

Here is a fascinating series of short lectures by Beverly Eakman on the subject of agent provocateurs. The left uses some very sophisticated techniques to advance their agenda, often in ways that are designed to bypass logical and rational processes that we would normally use to evaluate policies and programs.

Under ideal conditions, we get the facts on an issue and decide what we think about it based on our own already existing views. But the left tries to bypass this process and get their agenda pushed forward under the radar. They use psychological manipulation and marketing to get the public to agree to things that they would not if they were to think about them in a more objective way. Appeals to emotion and pressure to conform, used in subtle ways, get people to support ideas and positions that are harmful to us as a society and benefit only those in the ruling class.

According to the polls, most people think the country is going in the wrong direction, and think that the government is too big and too intrusive. And yet, we get bigger government just the same. How is this happening? Beverly Eakman provides us some useful information here that helps to put things in perspective, and may give you some intellectual ammunition to spot the manipulation that we get on a daily basis.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

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