A Just Verdict for Rachel Corrie

You may remember the story of leftist lunatic Rachel Corrie. She was a terrorist sympathizer who got herself killed by playing chicken with a bulldozer. Frontpage magazine brings us this story in which an Israel court slaps down her idiot parents and rules that her death was her own fault. And how could it not be when she was in bed with self-detonating murderers?

The Haifa District court just tossed out a petition by the clueless parents of Corrie. They had sought damages and a court proclamation that Israel was at fault in their daughter’s death. Instead, Judge Oded Gershon made it very clear that Rachel Corrie, the US-flag-burning groupie of Islamofascism, was responsible for her own death. She intentionally placed herself in harm’s way in order to interfere with Israeli military anti-terror operations in Gaza. She did so in a place where Palestinian terrorists had fired at Israeli troops just hours earlier. The Israeli troops were there to destroy smuggling tunnels beneath residential buildings, tunnels used to smuggle in explosives, missiles, and other weapons. Things used by the Gazan terrorists to murder Jewish children and other living things.

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