CEOs Abandoning Obama

The Investor’s Business Daily reports that top business leaders are starting to speak out on the subject of just how much harm The Obama-Fuhrer is doing to the economy. What is remarkable about this is that many of these individuals were supporters and some are Democrats. So it has to be getting pretty bad if they are willing to go on the record in this fashion. And it seems that a consensus is building that the boy wonder has no clue what he is doing, unless you subscribe to the theory that he does know what he is doing and is doing it on purpose because he wants to take us all down.

Las Vegas CEO Steve Wynn drew attention for a boardroom rant denouncing the intolerable business climate fostered by the White House. He’s hardly the first. What’s happening is emblematic of a bigger problem.

In a Monday conference call, the casino magnate credited with revitalizing Las Vegas blasted President Obama, declaring him “the greatest wet blanket to business, progress and job creation in my lifetime.”

The blast was remarkable for two reasons: Wynn has been a staunch supporter of the Obama administration from the beginning and still considers himself a Democrat. But even more remarkable, it’s been out of character for CEOs such as Wynn to express their views in such blunt terms on political matters.

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