Today’s Left is Kathy Griffin

CNN fired Kathy Griffin after she posed for a photo showing her holding a fake, but gory, decapitated head resembling the President. New York Daily News reports the story.

Kathy Griffin won’t be spending her New Year’s Eve with Anderson Cooper.

The comedian was fired by CNN — a day after a gory photo of her holding a blood-stained, beheaded President Trump mask outraged the masses.

“CNN has terminated our agreement with Kathy Griffin to appear on our New Year’s Eve program,” the network’s communications team announced Wednesday in a tweet.

The shocking picture, which shows a stone-faced Griffin holding the bloodied Trump replica by the hair, left both sides of the political spectrum fuming after it surfaced online Tuesday. Griffin apologized hours after she proudly tweeted the image out.

“I sincerely apologize,” Griffin said in a video posted Tuesday night. “I am just now seeing the reaction of these images. I’m a comic. I crossed the line. I move the line, then I cross it. I went way too far. The image is too disturbing. I understand how it offends people. It wasn’t funny. I get it.”

For those of you who identify with the right or consider yourselves to be more or less conservative, which is to say a normal person, you need to understand that this is what the left wants to do to you and me. This image is not just about President Trump and his policies; it’s about all of us who support him, who voted for him and who are not supportive of or a part of the left.

The left does not recognize your humanity or mine. That is why during the 20th century they could put 100 million people in gulags, concentration camps, killing fields and ultimately in the grave without ever admitting responsibility or having any remorse whatsoever. The left sees anyone who is not them as sub-human and not worthy of existence. And it is vital to understand that they are not ever going to change. Those who kill without reason or remorse cannot be reasoned with.

This is War.

And so you, as a member of the right, need to start thinking about how to hurt the left at every opportunity. I don’t mean you should go around sneaking up on leftists and clubbing them from behind. We’re not in a shooting war yet, and if we take the initiative it won’t be necessary. But the left is waging a real culture war against us and if we let things go too far then eventually there will be real mass violence.

So we need to do to them what they have been doing to us. We need to get leftists fired from their jobs at every opportunity. We need to deny them income from their activities. We need to make sure they are shunned from civil society. We need to undermine their organizations and goals whenever possible. We need to break up their alliances. We need to deny them any government funding of any kind. We need to sue them at the slightest drop of the hat for any law they break or any rule they don’t follow. Sun Tzu said, “When the enemy must defend everywhere, he is weak everywhere.” We need to harass the enemy at every opportunity because the left does not learn and they will not stop unless forced to do so. Our survival depends on this.

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