Manufacturing Ignorance & Contempt

Big hat tip to Chateau Heartiste for bringing this nugget to our attention. This little gem shows up in the latest release of Democrat emails from WikiLeaks and provides some insight into the contempt that the democrats/leftists/socialist/communists have for all of us.

This note is from Bill Ivey, a former Clinton administration official, to Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta, on March 13, 2016. What it reveals is not merely the hate that they have for anyone who is not on the side of “progressive” change; that’s a given. But note the selection below in bold that indicates that they are perfectly fine manufacturing pliable idiots using the public school system as long as they tow the party line. They know the education system, now run by their friends, is only good for turning out indoctrinated and ignorant little leftists. But as the note also mentions, the natives are starting to get restless.


Date: 2016-03-13 17:06

Subject: From Bill Ivey

Dear John: Well, we all thought the big problem for our US democracy was Citizens United/Koch Brothers big money in politics. Silly us; turns out that money isn’t all that important if you can conflate entertainment with the electoral process. Trump masters TV, TV so-called news picks up and repeats and repeats to death this opinionated blowhard and his hairbrained ideas, free-floating discontent attaches to a seeming strongman and we’re off and running. JFK, Jr would be delighted by all this as his “George” magazine saw celebrity politics coming. The magazine struggled as it was ahead of its time but now looks prescient. George, of course, played the development pretty lightly, basically for charm and gossip, like People, but what we are dealing with now is dead serious. How does this get handled in the general? Secretary Clinton is not an entertainer, and not a celebrity in the Trump, Kardashian mold; what can she do to offset this? I’m certain the poll-directed insiders are sure things will default to policy as soon as the conventions are over, but I think not. And as I’ve mentioned, we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking – and not just poll-driven, demographically-inspired messaging.

Many of us have suspected that this sort of deliberate indoctrination was in the works for a long time, but here we have confirmation from the left that they know exactly what they are doing to young minds by providing only propaganda and denying them any semblance of a real education in order to provide steady and reliable voters to keep the Democrats in power for perpetuity. The corruption of the system is endemic and complete at this point and requires radical correction. This is why they are so opposed to Trump; they know he will pull the curtain back and start the process of clearing out the scum. And they will do anything to prevent that from happening.

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