Feminism Attacks at All Levels

If you believe that Feminism isn’t a big part of the leftist attack on Western Culture you need to think again. Society today is awash in the Feminist attack on men and it’s only getting worse. This article at The American Thinker written by David Solway takes a look at some of the recent abuses perpetrated against men for the crime of being male.

The author shows that as men are pushed out of institutions of education and the professions those institutions begin to collapse, for it is men who build and maintain civilizations and women who benefit from the work that makes them possible. But in order to push the feminist agenda in these areas the standards must inevitably be lowered to give the appearance of equality of achievement where there is none. Note for example that while females now outnumber males at colleges and universities by a 60% to 40% ratio, it is still men who dominate in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This continuing fact is a bane to modern feminists but it is the result of biology and temperamental differences between the sexes that cannot be cured with stale ideology.

This war on men will continue as long as men allow it, but no longer than that for it is men who grant power to women. When men require that women be held to the same standards as themselves then feminism will be found to be the weak papier-mâché construction that it has always been.

Like our literary community and our judiciary, our schools are equally engaged in promoting the feminist agenda to the disadvantage of deserving — indeed, of all — male students. A typical instance occurred at a high school in a neighboring town, as a friend whose son has just graduated and who attended the graduation ceremony informed me. My friend reports that approximately 90 per cent of the innumerable awards were distributed to female students for various obscure achievements such as offering encouragement to classmates, displaying enthusiasm for the subject, showing aptitude for commitment or evincing general improvement, in short, for enriching the parietal atmosphere by their very presence. Many of these awards came with the caveat “in the opinion of the teachers.” Two girls, the school was proud to announce on its Twitter feed, excelled in the technologies — “Times Are Changin’” reads the accompanying comment. But the vast majority of these female laureates demonstrated their accomplishment in the mainly “soft” subjects — the Humanities, social sciences, dance classes, and the like, where marking typically involves a high degree of subjectivity and teacher preference often plays a role. Only a comparative handful of male students were honored, all of whom majored in the “hard” disciplines where objectivity rules — science, math — and received top grades.

It should be noted, too, that feminists would have been unable to advance their cause without the complicity of a professional echelon of corrupt and indoctrinated males, not an alpha among them. For a typical illustration of male-feminist brown-nosing, see Jeffrey Cohen, an obscure academic specializing in queer theory and eco-criticism, who saw his chance to jump on the feminist “bandwagon” by viciously maligning a far superior, anti-feminist scholar, the distinguished medievalist Allen Frantzen. According to Cohen, “we have far too little [feminism], rather than too much,” a conviction that signals a severe case of intellectual depletion. Naturally, he equates anti-feminism with rampant misogyny, an existential fallacy that is also an effective career move.

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