Race Realism and The World Without Western Civilization

This article from Taki’s Magazine reports on an interesting incident that occurred on MSLSD in which the hosts put forth the idea that this election will be the last stand for White People™ with the implication that getting rid of such individuals would be a giant leap forward for everyone else. Representative Steve King responded to this idea as follows:

This “old white people” business does get a little tired, Charlie. I’d ask you to go back through history and figure out, where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you’re talking about, where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?

It is a question that our politically correct masters don’t want to even hear anyone ask, let alone answer. The fact of the matter is that most of what we call civilization has been brought to us by people who are of European and American origin. There are some contributions that come from other parts of the world such as Asia, but by and large it is the West and it’s Caucasian population that brought us up from the cave to where we are now. The people trying to undermine Western Civilization don’t want to admit this.

If you were to note every manmade item within your field of vision, chances are that nearly every last gadget and trinket was invented by a white man. According to Charles Murray’s book Human Accomplishment, whites have historically dominated the fields of physics, math, chemistry, medicine, biology, and technology.

What’s grossly ironic is the specter of people using white computers hooked up to white electricity sent across white power grids to criticize the very white people who made their whining possible. Even worse is the ubiquity of white people pejoratively using the word “white people” as if it somehow doesn’t apply to them. That right there is a collective mental illness for the ages.

White technology has doubled lifespans across the globe and yanked several human subgroups out of the Stone Age. This makes certain white people feel guilty. It also apparently makes lots of nonwhite people resentful.

Those who wish to downplay or outright deny the vastness of white contributions to the world’s technological and civilizational development claim that to even dare giving credit where it’s due will immediately lead to millions of slaughtered nonwhites. That’s an insane leap of logic, but they keep on a-leapin’.

The left believes that to argue or admit this reality is a race crime. According to several online dictionaries the definition of racism is as follows:

The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement …

The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race…

Note that what is missing here is the older view that one must have hatred, antipathy or even ambivalence toward another race to qualify for the definition. Instead the term has now been redefined to mean that if you believe that different races are different for any reason, you must be a racist. It does not matter how you treat the people that you meet. If you are a fair and reasonable person to those you interact with you are still a racist if you think racial differences exist and are real as demonstrated by factual evidence.

This works to advance the leftist agenda of course, but it also runs against much recent scientific research in evolutionary biology and genetics that indicates that the old idea of racial equality is simply incorrect. And of course it ignores the facts of history that show who gave us civilization.

It is important to note that this is not a moral judgment but a scientific one based on factual evidence. But if you want to keep all of the things that make modern life what it is, you had better understand that you need to keep white people around so that they can keep things running.

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